Here I am driving on the highway. I come around a curve in the road and a car on the right catches my eye. I can see that the airbags have just gone off in this car. I quickly realize no one else has pulled over. I am in the far left lane (can’t help it my toes weigh at least 10 pounds apiece). I immediately pull over to the right and back up so I am equal to the car on the other side of the highway. I jump out of my car, and wait for a gap in the flood of cars. I run across and can see at this point, both doors are closed. I look in the front windshield and see two teenage girls crying. I yell through the front glass, “Are you both okay??” They both nod. I yelled, “Have you called the police?” They shake their heads no. I had brought my phone with me thinking this might be the case. I called 911 while walking around the car. The airbags on the drivers side door have gone off, along with the airbag in the steering wheel. I walk around to the back side of the car, the rear end of the car was in worse shape than the crushed front end. The back left wheel was a foot from touching the ground. This looked crazy bad. I can’t believe they weren’t hurt. So the 911 dispatcher comes on, and our conversation goes like this:
911: 911, Can I help you?
Me: There has been a car accident.
911: Is everyone okay?
Me: Yes, the two girls said they are okay.
911: Where are you located?
Me: Ummm, on the highway.
911: Which highway?
Me: Ummm, I am not sure
911: You don’t know what highway you are on?
Me: No
911: What city are you in?
Me: Ummm, I am not sure
Me: I travel from city to city with my job, I just plug the address into my GPS.
911: Okay, what city are you in today?
Me: Well, I am on my way home.
911: What city did you just leave then?
Me: I can’t remember! * this point I am starting to worry she is thinking I am the druggy that has hit these two girls**
911: Okay, you don’t know what city you left from. Where are you heading?
Me: Home!
911: Where is home?
Me: Ledyard
911: Do you know how far you are away from home?
Me: No...don’t you have the ability to track where my phone is?
911: That takes a while. Stay on the phone with me. Do you see exit signs or mile markers?
Me: YES!! There is a mile marker...42. I think I am on 95...maybe?
911: We found you, you aren’t on 95. The police will be there in about 5 minutes.
Me: Thank you!! Just because I am curious...where am I?
911: Click.
I make my way back to the front windshield, and yell at them telling them the police will be 5 minutes. They open up the door and step out. I can see they are young, I immediately feel bad for them. I have been in their shoes. The policeman finally arrives and walks me to my car. Oddly enough he asks me for my license. He looks at it and then lets me leave after getting my cell number in case they need to call me. After driving away I realized the 911 dispatcher probably told the cops that the woman that called them is about as high as a kite.
When I got home, I was telling the Chief about the crazy incident. He said, “Thats nice that they could have someone so experienced with car accidents helping them!”
Yes, yes, I think I am at 14 car accidents. I have NEVER injured ANYONE in my accidents. I have totaled two of my own cars and done some hefty damage to some others. At one point, a few years back, I was in an accident where I was the last car in a four car pile up. My car had to get a new bumper and hood. It was in the shop for a week. I was so excited to get it excited that I rear ended another car. As I am pulling up to the shop, I get out and the guy at the Chevy dealership comes out and says to me, “Didn’t like the last bumper we gave you?” Ha ha very flippin funny smart ass, just fix the bumper and be glad I am keeping you in business.
My parents insurance states on the insurance slip: MY NAME is not insured under this policy. Not kidding. My dad tells everyone that. I don’t know if he is proud or if he just wants to get a good laugh. Well, at least he can do it at my expense.