B is for Band. Little Man plays in the school band. Last year, he played the alto saxophone in the regular band and in the jazz band. This year he took on the tenor saxophone. So he plays both. He plays in the regular band AND the advanced band. You won’t hear me brag about Little Man’s talents in sports...because there aren’t really any. You also won’t hear me brag about his straight A record...because it doesn’t exist. You will, however, hear me brag about his musical talent. He is a natural at the saxophone. The kid can play. Last year, he was asked to join the Jazz band, and this year he was asked to take on an additional instrument in the advanced band. His band teacher asked if he would play the tenor in the regular band and the alto in the advanced band. He is that good. You know when I say he is good, it means he is good. I am not one of those parents that congratulate my child for trying. If he sucks, I tell him. I don’t even dance around it. Nope. I say, “Dude, you suck.” In wrestling, he wants to get his third place trophy. This is what he hears from me: “Third place trophy? That just means your the second loser. This family doesn’t stop and collect the third place trophy. We are not the YMCA anymore, Dude.” Okay, enough about my loving parenting skills, and back to why I wrote this.
Little Man can play the saxophone. A few weeks ago, he had a concert. Can I just say, I go to these because I feel like it is my duty as a parent. I don’t go because I enjoy it, because middle school bands aren’t amazing. I go because I feel like it will look bad if I don’t show up. Wow...I am making myself look AWESOME. So here I am at the band concert. The kids are warming up, doing their drills, blah blah blah. I start to look around for Little Man. He is the only student in the band that plays two instruments. My thought is he would have one that he is playing, and a stand for his second saxophone. Nope, not my kid. He puts the one he isn’t playing right on the floor next to him.

Wait for it....
So then the kids start the concert. I close my eyes and try to imaging they are all in the right key, and all playing in-sync with each other. Not even I can dream that up. I open my eyes and turn my attention to Little Man. Then I grab my phone to catch this on camera. I want you to notice a couple things. See how he is sitting? Yeah, slouched in his chair. Notice the other students. Backs straight, great posture. Now look at Little Man’s feet. Not only is he NOT tapping his feet with the beat of the music, but he has his legs stretched out in front of him. Toes in the air. Because this is just how my kid rolls...
AWESOME! I also enjoyed the lady dancing at the end of the video. lol