There are certain things that you don’t go cheap-o on. I think in some areas, you MUST by the name brand.
- Cereal. When you want Cheerios don’t buy Joe-Os. Here’s the deal. Joe doesn’t care about you. When you eat Joe, you eat crow.
- Mac & Cheese. Kraft is the only way to go...the other stuff is disgusting. Yes, I have tried it. Kraft is one of our main meals. Kraft is what I cook best. Sad...but true.
- Water. Water is very tricky for me. I refuse to buy the store brand water. To me, it taste like it was dug out of the ground. I just can’t do it. If I had a choice, I would choose Smart Water. I think it is the most wonderful tasting water. It almost taste sweet to me.
- Underwear. You MUST not buy underwear from the dollar store. It doesn’t work. The elastic doesn’t last. Learned lesson...another blog at a later date.
- Diapers. One small package when Little Man was six months. Never. Again. Poop on walls, poop on floors, poop on the crib. Poop poop everywhere, poop poop in his hair!! On the ceiling on the floor. Generic diapers are no more!
- Cleaning products. I don’t cook. I do clean. Cleaning products is one thing I DO NOT go generic on. There is a reason Lysol, Clorox, Pledge, and Swiffer have made a name for themselves. They are good and they work. They smell wonderful, and it makes me feel a sense of accomplishment.
Things that don’t matter if you have generic or brand?
- Canned foods. They all taste the same to me.
- Ummm...that’s it.
Okay, I am a snob.
I will use generic of everything except strawberry jelly! MUST BE SMUCKERS. Okay - and the underwear can't be dollar store either.