Saturday, March 9, 2013

Here Comes Honey Stupid

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo

Have you seen this show?  If you have, please don’t tell me.  I might have to unfriend you.  I have never seen this show, but I have seen enough previews to make me waste my time on a blog.  

This sickens me.  A year or so ago, I saw a preview introducing the show.  It is the entire family sitting there, in front of the camera.  Then they do something horribly disgusting.  They ALL (mom, dad, Honey Boo Boo, and siblings) grab the fat on their stomachs, and jiggle it.  

I don’t even know how to express how much this disgusts me.  Why are people watching this ignorance?  Is this what we have come to for entertainment?  Someone PLEASE explain to me how obesity and ignorance mixed together is entertainment?  There is NOTHING cute about this child, yet we give her a show?  Not only is she disrespectful to her family (in the previews), but she is a brat.  

Why is this show still on?  I will tell you why.  Because this country is filled with ignorant people.  It’s all they understand.  I guess we need to put something on the tube they can relate to.  So hey, let’s make a show about idiots, so we can entertain more idiots.  Here’s an even better idea... Let’s let them procreate.  Excellent.  More ass-faces.

And the shit comes flying....

Here is the deal.  This is what I think.  I think you should have to pass an IQ test to procreate.  Then I think you should be cut off at three.  No one needs more than three kids...especially not morons.  We are so worried about Mexicans crossing over the border, why the hell aren’t we worried about the current idiot-situation we have here?  You want to fix our problems?  STOP letting ignorant people have more ignorant people!  We aren’t going to be taken over by illegals, we are going to be taken over by people that don’t just have brain farts...THEY ARE THE FREAKING BRAIN FARTS!!  They stand in line each month for their checks, they go and instead of spending it on birth control, the spend it on iphones and escalades.  Yeah, because THAT makes you look smarter.  Morons.  Thanks Obama.  These dipsticks freaking love you.  You feed their addiction.  You continue to hand them money.  Why should they go work?  Free is easier than getting off the couch...any ignoramus can figure that out.  In the meantime, let’s keep turning on the stupid-tube to  Honey Boo Boo.  Because obesity and ignorance is entertainment.  

I rest my case.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Danica Patrick

**Note**I wrote this blog BEFORE Daytona oh well.  Read it anyway. 

You can't see her feet, but I assure you she is stomping them.

Guess what’s coming up?  NASCAR BABY!!!  Just kidding, I actually don’t give a crap about NASCAR, sorry Chief.  My mom, who also doesn’t give a crap about NASCAR, calls me the other day.  You want to know why she calls me?  She calls me to tell me how excited she it that Danica Patrick is on the pole.  

Me: How do you know who Danica Patrick is?
Mom: Of course I know who that is!
Me: Dear God, you don’t even watch NASCAR!
Mom: This is the first time a woman has been on the pole! I am so excited! 
Me: OMG, how the hell do you know what “being on the pole” means?  Who the hell are you and what have you done with my mother?
Mom: I am so sick of those men pushing her out of every race!  She deserves this!  I hope she wins!!
Me: Hang on, WHILE I PICK MYSELF UP OFF THE FREAKING FLOOR. Since when do you know how other drivers treat Danica Patrick?
Mom: Of course I know that.  I hope she wins.
Me: Here is the deal.  Racing is a man’s sport.  She has no business being on the track.  Why do women have to steal everything from men?  Can’t we let them have ONE sport?
Mom: I know how you feel, but I disagree.  I want her to win.
Me: Yeah, you and every other woman.

Here is the deal.  I can’t stand her.  When I do sit down to watch NASCAR, I hope for two things to happen.
  1. Kyle Busch to wreck.
  2. Someone to run into Danica hard enough to knock her out of the race.
You know what?  If she went out and ran a race like the boys, I wouldn’t have a problem with her.  My problem is she doesn’t go out and run a race with the boys.  She acts like a damn girl.  When she is knocked off the track she gets out of her car and stomps her feet like a three year old.

She can’t deny it.  It has been caught on camera.  If you want to play with the big boys, you need to act like a big boy.  You can’t stomp your feet when you lose, and expect to gain respect from men that have dominated this sport for years.  

Step aside Danica.  This isn’t your day.