Friday, April 26, 2013

Y for You're a terrible liar...

Y is for You’re a terrible liar.  Has anyone ever said this phrase to you?  Today, one of the teachers on my team told me I was a terrible liar.  

This made me think.  Is that a good thing?  

Do you want to be told: You are a SICK liar!  (sick=rad)

There are many things I would love to be told I am good at:

You are a great artist (I’m lucky if my stick figures have arms and legs).  
You are an amazing piano player.
You are a natural dancer (I have two left feet).
You are a spectacular athlete (Chief...keep your thoughts to yourself).

Can you imagine if someone said:

You are a phenomenal liar!  

Umm, thanks?  That will make my parents proud?!?

So when you hear: You are a terrible liar...  Is this a good thing?  A compliment?  Does someone want to be told they are good at that?  I mean you typically don’t hear you are bad at something that is negative.  

You are a terrible litterer.
You are horrible at being evil.
You are useless at failing tests.
You happen to be the most atrocious thief I have ever met.

Are you picking up what I am putting down?  Seems odd to me to say: You are a terrible liar.  I guess in a way this can be a good thing.  If you are terrible at lying, then you won’t do it.  If you are a horrific thief, you will get caught.  Let’s face it, the world needs more people that are horrible at being evil.

I could probably dig a little deeper into this, but the Chief is passed out on the couch next to me, and the only thing I want to do is turn this computer off and cuddle up on his warm chest.  So tonight I will go to bed a terrible liar.  And I will take it as a compliment.  I think.  

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